Two Guys in a Garage - A Production Blog

A blog by two filmmakers about the making of the documentary film; "Michael Pilato: Mural Canyon"

Sunday, June 05, 2005

What We Have Here is a Failure to Participate

Carlos has been pointing out to me that our blog is titled "TWO Guys in a Garage", and not "Carlos and his Silent Partner" so I figured it is about time for me to start making some posts on here. Alas, this will be my only post for the next 2 weeks as I will be away. Nonetheless, off we go.

One of the topics that this blog will also be covering are some of the rough patches that we have to go through as being film "pioneers" in an area nearly devoid of a film industry (which we are working on changing).

For instance... if one of our crew members inexplicably deserts us and then goes out and starts spreading bad rumors about us, that might end up on here.


If the members of any oganization connected to the mural project or our film project were to act in nefarious ways in order to sabotage either project, and our repeated attempts to make peace with them were completely ignored, we might put something about that on here as well.

These "hypothetical" situations are just two examples of problems we might run into out here, as I imagine that pioneers in any industry might run into. We will blog (video will be on here at some point) about these problems moreso to show how we choose to navigate these situations so that anyone undertaking a mission like ours may find our experiences informative and useful.

That being said, we won't dwell on the negative much (unless, and this is a fear of mine, we run into an excessive amount of bad things with the project and are given little choice) as we wish to keep this project and everything related to it highly constructive.

So, in conclusion, I have now officially made my first post here and I wish to encouarage any of you pioneers out there sruggling with adversity not to lose sight of your goals as it can be easy to get sidetracked on that which is not important.


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